Well done Year Six!

Thank you so much to everyone who supported our fundraising by donating or by helping the children to complete their pledges!

Pupils in Year Six have worked so incredibly hard to complete pledges and raise awareness in order to achieve such an AMAZING total! We have raised £1738 to donate to the charity, WHOLives, which will be put towards sending a drill to a village in South Sudan. This drill will change so many lives!

Year Six – we are so proud of you!

When we told the charity about the fantastic final total, they sent us this message:

We received news today that the Year 6 Starfish and Year 6 Dolphins from Saint Mary’s Primary School  in Selly Oak, Birmingham,  are SUPERSTARS!   A lot of people like to talk about world problems, and you decided to solve them!  Thank you for your help in getting kids in South Sudan back to school by providing local, clean water that they can drink and use for crops and take a shower. The kids are walking about 6 km just to get dirty, contaminated water that would often make them sick. Sometimes human and animal predators are present. Now they can have enough water for water play. Can you believe what you just did?!  Thank you for helping Dr Ahmed and his vision for South Sudan.  Thank you for making a difference in our world

Nicci Renouard,
