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We are an inclusive school; we welcome and celebrate diversity and children of all abilities.  All staff believe that high self-esteem is crucial to a child’s well-being and a caring, understanding team looks after our pupils well.

The school’s Admissions Policy for the academic year 2023/2024 can be obtained here.

The school’s Admissions Policy for academic year 2024/2025 can be obtained here

The criteria outlined below applies for admissions to St. Mary’s at any point during the year.

Priority 1
Children in public care: Children who are looked after by the Local Authority.

Priority 2
Children who have a brother or sister on roll at the school at the time of admission.

Priority 3
Denominational: Children who regularly worship at any Church of England church.

We define ‘regularly’ as meaning at least twice a month for at least two consecutive years prior to the LA deadline for applications. This will be confirmed by signature of the minister on the school’s Supplementary Information Form.

Please click here to download a copy of the form.

A maximum of 10% of places within each cohort are eligible for faith claims and these shall be ranked according to distance from the school.

Priority 4
Distance: Children who live closest to the school.


Reception Admission

We admit 60 children into Reception each year. You can apply for a place in our Reception intake for September 2024 by clicking on this link

Information about admissions during the school year can be accessed via this link

Information about the appeal process in relation to 2023/2024 admissions can be found by clicking on this link.