Year Reception Home Learning Page

Hi, Reception Classes! Your teachers miss you! We hope that you are well and happy and that you are remembering to read every day. There are 5 challenges here – maybe you could try and do one every day?


Week beginning 23rd March 2020

Challenge 1 Literacy – Draw a picture of how you celebrated Mothers’ Day. Can you write a sentence about what you did?

Challenge 2 Understanding The World – Look around for signs of Spring. Write a list of all the different signs that you can see.

Challenge 3 R.E. –  Watch the video of The Holy Trinity and look at the PowerPoint.  Draw a shamrock  in your workbook and decorate it.

Challenge 4 Expressive Arts and Design – Can you learn how to make a paper aeroplane? Follow these instructions. Once you have made your aeroplane, can you decorate it?

Challenge 5 Physical Development – Can you make up your own exercise routine? How many star jumps does it include? Can you write it down? How does your body/ heart feel when you are doing exercise?


Phonics Learning – Today’s sound is ‘sh’. Click here for this week’s phonics plan and here  for today’s PowerPoint.

Phonics Activity – What objects can you find that contain the ‘sh’ sound? Draw their pictures or write a list in your workbook.

Phonics Game – Practise your blending with this game.

Maths Learning – Practise counting forwards to 20, starting at different numbers. Can you count straight on?

Watch the shapes song and join in.

Maths Activity – Using loose parts. Find a collection of different items and sort them into groups. Say which group has more, fewer, or the same number. (Adults, see here for more information.) 

For a further challenge – Dot plates. Use paper plates or cut out circles. Children have dotted cards from 0-5 and number cards 4,5,6 only. Use these cards to work out the number bonds. (Adults, see here for more information.)

Answer: 5+1=6, 2+3=5, 4+0=4

Maths Game – Try this game!


Phonics Learning – Today’s sound is ‘ch’. Click here for this week’s phonics plan and here for today’s PowerPoint.

Phonics Activity – Can you make a string of rhyming words? Start with ‘chat’. How many words can you say or write that rhyme with ‘chat’?

Phonics Game – Practise your blending with this game. 

Maths Learning – Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting at different numbers. Watch the number bonds video and join in.

Maths Activity – Finger Gym activity. Make three caterpillars using  small objects, such as beads, Cheerios, pegs or socks. Which caterpillar has more or fewer objects? Which is the longest? Which is the shortest? (Adults, see here for more information.)

For a further challenge – Exploring Possibilities dice game. This can be played, in pairs, with number cards (1-6) or dice (an online die is available here). Children to work with a partner. First player rolls two dice or turns over two cards and works out their total score. Second player rolls their dice, but shows only 1 die. They say whether their score is higher or lower. Player 1 has to guess the other hidden number. (Adults see here for more information.)

Maths Game – Try this game!


Phonics Learning – Today’s sound is ‘th’. Click here for this week’s phonics plan . Click here for today’s PowerPoint.

Phonics Activity – Choose a favourite book. How many times can you spot the ‘th’ sound in it?

Phonics Game – Practise your blending with this game.

Maths Learning – Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting at different numbers. Next, watch the positional language PowerPoint then look at these words. Can you put your teddy in the positions they say?

Maths Activity – Seeing and Making Different Numbers. How many different ways can you make the number 10? Can you make a poster to show all of the different ways you can do this? You could use your toys or print and cut out the Numicon shapes. (Adults, encourage children to use and talk about  ten framespart-whole models and number lines to show different ways to make 10.) 

Maths Game – Try this game!


Phonics Learning – Today’s sound is ‘ng’. Click here for this week’s phonics plan and here for today’s PowerPoint.

Phonics Activity – Use this sheet to find the ‘ng’ words and write them in your book.

Phonics Game – Practise your blending with this game.

Maths Learning – (Adults; today we are looking at the children’s ability to subitise. Subitising is a term that was coined by the theorist Piaget and defined the ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them i.e. children can look at a group of 5 objects and ‘just know’ that there are 5.) 

Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting at different numbers. Join in with the positional language song using this PowerPoint. 

Look at these ‘subitising’ PowerPoints here and here  Talk to an adult about how you see the objects. Can you see different groups of objects to help you? Remember there is no right or wrong way to see how many objects there are!

Maths Activity – Practise looking at different groups of objects and knowing/guessing how many items there are by breaking them into groups mentally and then physically moving the objects to count and check you are correct.

Subitising Sweet Jars. Use the sheet to circle the groups of numbers that you see (0-9).

Subitising Sweet Jars. Use the sheet to circle the groups of numbers that you see (10-20).

Subitising with Teen Numbers. Use the sheet to circle the groups of numbers that you see.

Maths Game – Try this game!


Phonics Learning – Today’s sound is ‘nk’. Click here for this week’s phonics plan and here for today’s PowerPoint.

Phonics Activity – Print off  and cut out these sound cards. If you don’t have a printer, just make some of your own. How many words can you create that end in ‘nk’?

Phonics Game – Which was your favourite game this week? You can choose which one to play today!

Maths Learning – Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting at different numbers. Next, watch the number bonds video and join in.

Maths Activity – 10 Frame Activity. For today’s activity you need a 10 frame and 2 groups of objects, such as red and yellow counters, Cheerios and raisins or  blue and green Lego bricks. You will be using them to work out and write down the number bonds to 10. Complete the 10 frames with some objects from each group. (Adults; can children automatically see there are 6 red counters without counting them out loud? What can they tell you about the 10 frame e.g. the top line is filled up which must be 5 because that’s half of 10?)

Use this sheet to look at the 10 frames and write the number bonds that you see. Check the answer by counting.

Week beginning 30th March 2020

Hello Reception! We hope you are all safe and happy at home with your families. Your teachers miss you very much! We have been keeping busy though and are working hard to make sure you can keep learning at home. Miss Domagala has also been busy building her garden (see here!) and Mrs. Holmes has been spring cleaning and reading a lot. She has read 3 books this week! Do you think you can beat her total? And here she is reading a story for you!

Here are your challenges for this week:

Challenge 1: Literacy.

Tell an adult about our storytelling bags. What do each of these pictures mean?

Next, choose a favourite story. Can you draw a picture of the character, setting, problem and solution? Try and label your pictures too.

Challenge 2: Understanding the World.

Visit the zoo by clicking on this link! Which is your favourite animal? Write about what you have seen.

(Adults; when children of Reception age are writing they should be using what they have learnt in phonics to help them. This means that it is more important for words to be ‘phonetically plausible’ than to be spelt correctly. For example, as we have not yet learnt that i-e makes the same sound as ‘igh’, we would expect that children would write the word ‘bike’ as ‘bighck’. The exception to this is when they want to write high frequency words (known as ‘red words’). So, although ‘the’ would be phonetically written as ‘thu’, children should have come across it enough times to know how to spell it correctly.)

Challenge 3: Express Arts and Design.

Can you design and create a rainbow? Use felt tips, crayons, collaging or anything you have at hand! Perhaps you could display it in the window to make your neighbours smile?

Challenge 4: R.E.

See your first R.E. activity here.

Challenge 5: Physical Development (fine motor skills).

Practise your letter formation for the letters a-h. Here Miss Domagala shows you how!

Challenge 6: Physical Development (gross motor skills).

Join in with this yoga.

Monday 30th March

Phonics Learning

Today we are going to recap the sounds we learnt last week. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.

Phonics Activity

Have a look at these pictures. Can you write labels for them? (Tip: think carefully about ALL the sounds you can hear!)

Phonics Game

Try this game(Adults, choose ‘Phase 3 ch, sh, th, ng’)

Tuesday 31st March

Phonics Learning

Today we are going to be learning the sound ‘qu’. See this week’s plan here  and today’s accompanying PDF here.

Phonics Activity

Read this story. How many times can you spot the ‘qu’ sound?

Phonics Game

Today you can watch this for some phonics fun!

Wednesday 1st April

Phonics Learning

Today we are going to be learning the sound ‘ay’. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.

Phonics Activity

Read this list of ‘ay’ words. Write the real words in green and the alien words in blue.

Phonics Game

Try this game.

Thursday 2nd April

Phonics Learning

Today we are going to be learning the sound ‘ee’. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.

Phonics Activity

Play this game of snap. Say the sounds that each pair of special friends make, as you are putting them down. If you see the same sound twice in a row, shout “SNAP!”. (If you don’t have a printer, you can make these cards yourself).

Phonics Game

Try this game. Watch out though – it’s a tricky one!

Friday 3rd April

Phonics Learning

Today we are concentrating on ‘red words’. (Adults, these are high frequency words that we come across often in our reading, so children need to be able to read them quickly, without having to blend them. Some of these words are ‘tricky words’, so are not phonetically regular. It can be useful to talk about what makes a word ‘tricky’ e.g. in ‘of’ the ‘f’ makes a ‘v’ sound.) See this week’s plan here and today’s PDF here.

Phonics Activity

Practise writing today’s words (‘I’, ‘the’, ‘no’, ‘go’, ‘to’, ‘into’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘we’, ‘me’, ‘be’ ) – without a pencil or paper! You could use a finger in some flour, water and a paintbrush on the wall outside or even use your nose in the air!

Phonics Game

Keep practising those red words with this game.