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Wraparound Care

The school does not operate its own wraparound care but works in partnership with independent local providers.

-A list of local care providers can be found by clicking on this link.

-We welcome contact from all wraparound care providers and are happy to discuss ways in which we can work in partnership.

-In addition, the school offers a range of after-school activities as part of its wider curriculum. Please contact the school for further details.

-Details of local providers that the school can recommend are below.

St Mary’s Kids Club

Ofsted registered childcare provider

  • Qualified play workers
  • Open 7.30am—6.00pm Mon-Fri
  • Age range 4—14 years
  • Reasonable fees
  • Supervised activities
  • Indoor & outdoor play
  • Convenient location

St Mary’s Church Hall
Bristol Road
Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6ND

Contact us
Gerald: 07811 948146
Angie: 07966 840266
E-mail: geraldfage@yahoo.co.uk

Kath Ritchie
  • 38 years experience. Qualified staff.
  • Has a designated area for children and large garden
  • Before and after school club and during school holidays.
Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham
Mobile: 07989650858